project description
list of features
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The Game:

The game we have in mind will feature furious monkey combat in a lush 3d jungle environment. Our graphics engine will feature a 10 fps refresh rate providing for unsurpassed smoothness when traveling across the landscape. Realistic jungle sounds will be used to help immerse the player completely into the game. Players from all over the world will be able to enter this mayhem as the game will be built from the ground up to be a multi-player, networkable game. :)

The Objectives:

The primary objective for each monkey is to savagely kill, dismember, and disembowel their fellow monkeys. The title of winner will be given to the monkey that is able to kill its fellow monkeys the most times in a given time limit. The losers will be all the other monkeys who are less adept at killing one another. Other objectives we may introduce later if time permits will be those that concentrate primarily on the teamplay possibilities that comes naturally with this type of game. We hope to implement a tribal warfare scenario (aka team deathmatch) where monkeys group up with other monkeys in an effort to kill off the opposing tribe. Kills from each member of the tribe will be tabulated to a team total and the team with the most kills will be the winner. Another type of game-play we would like to implement would be a capture the flag game. A tribe of monkeys will attempt to raid an opposing side's territory and capture a flag which it will then return to a spot marked in its own territory. The team with the most flag-captures in a preset time limit will emerge as the winners of this scenario.

The Features:

With the current game market inundated by superb first person shooters, we had to do something with our game to make it stand apart from these games. To do this we decided as a group to replace the usual human characters with a monkey character. This may appear at first glance to be a cheap gimmick but with monkeys we're free from the usual constraints that confines a first human shooter to being real and serious. With monkeys we can inject massive amounts of humor in the game through the usage of strange and odd weapons and through a variety of taunts and victory dances. A monkey's natural agility also makes for a variety movements that would not be possible with a human character. For example, the monkey will be able to hop long distances and climb trees. Since the natural environment for a monkey would be that of a jungle, we decidedto have trees as an integral part of the landscape. However, the tree will no longer just be a static object a character cannot interact with; instead the tree will play an integral part in the way a monkey chooses to do battle. The monkey will be given the ability to climb up, down, and around a tree, giving them a way to escape from the potential chaos from the ground below and perhaps a good hiding position to snipe at monkeys from below. To counteract the relative difficulty a monkey on the ground may have of attacking a well entrenched monkey high in the treetops, the monkey can detonate a bomb near a tree which will cause the tree to shake and drop any monkey on top of it onto the ground.