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J.J. Thursday, May 31, 2001 at 00:20:44 (PDT)

Coincidence? I think not.

Yoway Buorn Wednesday, May 23, 2001 at 21:37:43 (PDT)

After countless (well, maybe not . . I did count . . it was 2) hours of struggling to understand the DirectSound SetSearchDirectory method I now know why Windows uses wide characters (thanks to Petzold . . and thank you for the book, Geoff). All sounds except for background music have been cropped, resampled, and channel-converted to the best of my ability . . except for four sounds, which may not even be used. Those sounds have been replaced by the sound of Homer Simpson's "Nacho Man," which I happen to think is a wonderful complement to our tank-top-totin' primates, but that's another story.

I now have a very nicely working Play method that will take an integer constant indicating the sound to play, and three float coordinates indicate the location of the sound relative to the listener. You guys will have to tell me if this needs modification for whatever reason.

I am about to implement looping . . which I think is merely a parameter to one of the calls to DirectSound . . and then I will make a Stop method and a Move and Locate method for manipulating the location of a sound.

As for attenuation . . right now the sounds attenuate very quickly but I do not know the dimensions of the world so I cannot make any adjustments to this until after integration.

As for volumes of individual sounds . . they are all varying volumes . . and they will have to be normalized depending on how they sound in the game.

Now my roommates, neighbors, and people who call me think I have some sort of monkey scream fetish.

In response, I say: "ooh ooh ah ah."

Yoway Buorn Monday, May 14, 2001 at 00:55:28 (PDT)

Indeed, monkeys are sexy. At least ours, sporting his new wife-beater and a leaner-and-meaner look, thanks to Sun-dawg.

Anyway, I've definitely dropped the ball on Audio for a couple weeks now. No thanks to Vistera for taking back the computer they lent me. As soon as Sunny rips his sound card out of his computer, sound will be back in business.

As for now, I've been working on weapon animations with Sun-gawd. Reload, fire and running sequences are completed for the MonkeyShotty. Reload and fire has been completed for Banana Bazooka.

I also pretended to listen to Craig's ramblings about sphere-to-triangle collision detection on the ground and some jazz about clipping velocity.


Yoway Buorn Monday, May 07, 2001 at 16:53:45 (PDT)

About 70% of all the sound files have been clipped, resampled, and volume-adjusted. The company that owns my computer has decided that they want the computer back, so I've been unable to work on any audio programming for this past week. Instead, I came in on Friday and spent some time figuring out how to use Lightwave 6 and ended up with some a banana-rocket projectile that I've saved in .LWO. I now need a way to export this to a Milkshape model so Craig's code can read it in.

J.J. Monday, April 30, 2001 at 19:18:51 (PDT)

I think monkeys are sexy.

Yoway Buorn Monday, April 30, 2001 at 14:52:15 (PDT)

Entire "Must-Have" MonkeyAudio sound library chosen. Interface for event driven sounds complete. In the process of trashing old sounds and replacing with new sounds.

Yoway Buorn Thursday, April 26, 2001 at 21:20:39 (PDT)

Wrapper class MonkeyAudio complete. Itching to integrate. Don't know how to use WinCVS . . can't use CVS in OSTL. Getting pissed.

Yoway Buorn Monday, April 23, 2001 at 02:37:10 (PDT)

Oh yeah, goals . . start function, find background music and sound effects. All pretty much met.

Yoway Buorn Monday, April 23, 2001 at 02:35:17 (PDT)

Figured out how to use certain features of SoundForge. Nearly all sounds chosen and organized. Waiting on possibly better sounds from Craig. Beginning to write wrapper class for World Sounds. Inteface proposed: All functions will be of the format function ( sound_number, x_coord, y_coord, z_coord ) So an audio object will have to be instantiated for each entity (i.e., instantiate AudioMonkey for a Monkey, or AudioWeapon for a Weapon). Then, a sound will be produced when an event occurs (i.e., when a monkey enters the basin, call AudioMonkey->Play(MNK_ENTRANCE, x_coord, y_coord, z_coord); where x_coord, y_coord, and z_coord are the coordinates of the Monkey's entry point). Let me know if this will work for you guys.

Yoway Buorn Friday, April 20, 2001 at 15:50:43 (PDT)

Received SoundForge from Craig. Currently compiling list of sounds needed from Blizzard.

04/16/01, Yoway Buorn

Sound library now available for basic must-have monkey events and weapon events. Optional sounds for ambience and interface also included in sound library (below).

Test program to play a .wav file on the main audiopath is available (below). Test program for multiple .wav files from multiple 3D locations now in progress.

Taxes have been filed.

Audio test files now available:

Several sound effects are taken from the Windows Standard "Jungle" Theme. The following sounds will be used for the purposes indicated:

World Ambient Sounds
play Vicinity of Bodies of Water
play Lower Vicinity of Trees
play Middle Vicinity of Trees
play Upper Vicinity of Trees
play Random
play Random
play Random
play Random


Monkey Event Sounds
play Monkey Running
play Monkey Entrance
play Monkey Damage
play Monkey Death
play Monkey Running (Water)
play Monkey Sense


Weapon Event Sounds
play Banana Bazooka Launch
play Banana Bazooka Explosion
play Banana Bazooka Whizzing By
play Banana Bazooka Reload
n/a Coconut Bomb Throw
n/a Coconut Bomb Connect
play Coconut Bomb Explosion
play Blowdart Launch
play Blowdart Whizzing By
n/a Blowdart Connect


Interface Sounds (played on player, not world)
play Change Menu Item
play Select Menu Item
play Loser (Least Frags)


Network Sounds (played on communicating players)
play Message Sent/Received