Final demos on Friday June 3, from 4:00-5:30pm
Price Center Theater:
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(NOTE: Different venue this year!)
The goal of CSE 125 is to experience the design and implementation
of a large, complex software system in large groups. Emphasis is
placed on the development process itself in addition to the final
product. Over the course of 10 weeks, the groups decide on the
features of their project, specify its requirements, create a design
and implementation schedule, implement it, and give a public
demonstration. To make the class exciting as well as challenging, the
project is a distributed, real-time, 3D, multiplayer game of each group's
Video: CSE 125 Introduction
Speaker: Geoff Voelker
Length: 11:00

(Ace Tres)
Tzu Yin (Sheila) Chen,
Zachary Gerlock,
Andreas Mavromatis,
Laura Park,
Nathan Trans,
Tim Wang
Video: Ace Tres
Speaker: Andreas Mavromatis
Length: 6:49